GSWMD offers tours of Logan Landfill to Gallatin County schools and community groups. Please call in advance with preferred dates & times, number of visitors, grades, etc.
We would love to visit with your students or community group and discuss solid waste, recycling, and services available in Gallatin County.
To schedule a presentation or tour, please call Patty at 406.582.2493 or email

Education Trunks
Education trunks are available for members of the community to borrow. Kits include lesson plans about waste and recycling, books, hands-on items that demonstrate the process of recycling and end-products made possible by diverting waste away from the landfill. These kits are great for classrooms, homeschool students, scout groups, religious groups, community clubs, etc.
To borrow one of the trunks, contact Patty: or call 406-582-2493
Click here to review the contents of our recycling education trunks.

The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) and Jason Learning have developed a school curriculum to help teachers and students understand both the importance of recycling and the recycling industry. The campaign includes branded, standards-based, K-12 curricular experiences; interactive Web-based experiences to enhance student engagement; classroom posters featuring ISRI’s key educational messages; a leveraged national distribution network; strategies for school visits to ISRI facilities; age-appropriate lessons for grades K-4, 5-8, and 9-12; for each grade band, a two to four page classroom lesson based on life cycle for each commodity; and much, much more.
Access the complete selection of lessons here.
(Learn how each lesson is aligned with NGSS standards)
Aluminum Beverage Cans: The ABCs of Environmental Education
This curriculum developed by the Can Manufacturers Institute and the North American Association of Environmental Education (NAAEE) uses the aluminum beverage can as a case study in environmental education. The can provides a snapshot of the role scientific and environmental concerns play in the development and use of packaging.
This resource kit is flexible enough to allow teachers to spend one class period or an entire week using the lesson plans and extracurricular activities presented. There are seven in-class lesson plans, as well as many suggestions for extended activities. The curriculum is designed for upper elementary school students but is adaptable to other grade levels.